Congratulations to our adopters listed below. If you have adopted a PolyForm license for your software, and want to appear here, please contact us.

Enable Data Union, an open framework for analytics and data warehousing of K-12 Education data, is licensed under Polyform NonCommercial.

Brim, a desktop and server application to search packet captures and security logs, released elements of its software under the PolyForm Perimeter license.

Yugabyte, a high-performance distributed SQL database, adopted PolyForm Free Trial for its managed service elements.

AppsCode creates tools to deploy, manage, upgrade Kubernetes on any cloud and automate deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, adopted PolyForm NonCommercial and Free Trial for various elements of its offering.

EPPlus Software, an improved version of the world´s most popular spreadsheet library for .NET Framework/Core, adopted version 5 of its library under PolyForm NonCommercial.
Kanevia, an open fork of original Kaneva game engine, was released under PolyForm NonCommercial.

Micro uses PolyForm Shield for its cloud-native development platform.
The Mun programming language uses PolyForm Noncommercial for its vscode-extension library.

Engauge, a self-contained and privacy-preserving binary for web and mobile application analytics, releases under PolyForm Perimeter.

ViewFinder, a remote isolated browser you embed in a web app, releases under PolyForm Strict.
22120, a search engine and personal archive from your browser history, releases under PolyForm Strict.
To add your project to this page, e-mail with the name of your project, a short description, a link to its repository or website, and logo.

Polygonjs is node-based WebGL design tool. It helps users create complex WebGL experiences without any coding. Those experiences can be product configurators, data visualizers, virtual galleries, portfolios, interactive artworks, or any sort of great visuals.
Polygonjs is available under Polyform Shield.